Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Ain't it good... be a daughter of the King!!
Tonight I quit my studying a little bit early so that I could spend more time reading my bible and the words I read totally calmed my heart. I don't have to worry or fear what may come. He says that as long as I'm listening to Him that I can have security, ease and freedom from dread.
I was just reading my bible by candle light (which I have to say is extra amazing) and I came across this:

"But whoever listens to me will dwell secure and will be at ease, without dread of disaster." -Proverbs 1:33

It's pretty funny how easily we can forget these foundational things but tonight I was reminded that what God wants from me is my attention and my heart, not my constant doings. Lately I have felt like I am running around just trying to catch up, with everything spinning out of control around me. Some days I literally get dizzy just looking at my schedule! This verse caused me to literally exhale and lean into Him, release my anxieties, and embrace the freedom he has handed me.