Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Ain't it good... be a daughter of the King!!
Tonight I quit my studying a little bit early so that I could spend more time reading my bible and the words I read totally calmed my heart. I don't have to worry or fear what may come. He says that as long as I'm listening to Him that I can have security, ease and freedom from dread.
I was just reading my bible by candle light (which I have to say is extra amazing) and I came across this:

"But whoever listens to me will dwell secure and will be at ease, without dread of disaster." -Proverbs 1:33

It's pretty funny how easily we can forget these foundational things but tonight I was reminded that what God wants from me is my attention and my heart, not my constant doings. Lately I have felt like I am running around just trying to catch up, with everything spinning out of control around me. Some days I literally get dizzy just looking at my schedule! This verse caused me to literally exhale and lean into Him, release my anxieties, and embrace the freedom he has handed me.


  1. Beautiful post- and a great reminder. I have been letting my Bible reading time get pushed to the very bottom of my to-do list, and consequently end up exhausted at the end of the day trying to push through life on my own strength. Maybe I'll get some candlelit reading in tonight...that sounds good...
    Oh! I almost forgot: Leigh (your swap partner e-mailed me today and said that she hadn't heard back from you yet - so I thought I'd just leave a comment with her address here in case you hadn't checked your e-mail lately. It's: - Hope you have a wonderful evening! ~Kristin from Windy Poplars

  2. "... without dread of disaster."
    Thats the part that really speaks to me, because I tend to worry about the effects of my actions.
